Saturday, June 28, 2014

Psst. Am I home? Ah.

So, it's been MORE than a month since I blogged last.  I really haven't meant to be so tardy, I just had a very busy, on the go, more stuff than I realized month for a bit.  And when I wasn't on the go, I just stared at the computer.  Not with it ON, mind you, just stared at it, thinking, gee, I should write something.  Then zoning out, falling asleep, and not writing.  But, fortune has it, even though my family has commented on my busy-doings, no one is too worried about it.  ('Cept me, maybe.  Do I really need to be on the go ALL the week???)

To now catch up.  I ended up with 9 baby chicks, lost one.  And then we have been watching carefully, and I believe...

I have seven roosters.


So, life goes on.  I will get some pics of them now, this was of two of them when still fuzzy.  If you can believe it, they are now almost fully feathered! I will try and get some pictures of the little guys as not-so-little, soon.

Went to Seaside, did my normal photo of socks at the Lewis and Clark Monument.  I might have to put the photos I took of the monument on my blog sometime.  Oh, and the socks?  Yes, you are seeing aright, I am making "Crazy Quilt" socks of leftover yarn.  I don't have to knit two, I can mix 'n match any of the ones I make...  I can use up leftovers, and it will drive one of the gals at spinning completely bats when I wear them.  (The picture is of Lewis and Clark making salt. Thanks to Dad for holding up socks...)

Husband decided to kidnap me, because I hadn't been home to speak of in a bit, and we went for a drive along Highway 11.  There was this big patch of white flowers.  We couldn't figure out what they were at first, until we came close.  This is a plant known as Bunch Grass, or Bear Grass.  It probably has other names, but that's what I've heard it called around here.  The Mountain Deputy told me it's a pretty valuable item, as it is used both for weaving, and in floral arrangements.  I'd never seen it flower before, though.  

A little later, we found this little waterfall.  I just think it made a nice picture.

And, I figured out how to use the close up on my camera!!!


stephen Hayes said...

Glad you're back; I'd wondered where you'd gone. Sometimes we just need time to recharge our batteries but it sounds like you've been pretty busy. Take care.

messymimi said...

You've been missed around these parts! Love the socks, and the flowers.

Seven roosters! If you can bring yourself to eat chickens you raise, that's several servings of dumplings.

Do you get some time off soon? You deserve to.

Sharon said...

7 out of 9 are roosters? Sounds like my luck.
The socks are cute. No pairing them up!
Nice to have a little get-a-way. Very pretty pictures!

Cat said...

Thanks, yeah, I just didn't get going on writing. I really need to plan my life a bit better... There's an old saying that time was invented so everything doesn't happen at once. I begin to think I have somehow managed to break time... eep.


Cat said...

Thanks! I think the socks are fun, and am just adoring the various flowers we are finding around the area. And yes, I am trying not to get too attached to said roosters, as they will be guests at dinner in the near future... I am currently in a slow point, so I think, if all stays about the same, I should not be in TOO much more chaos than usual... :)


Cat said...

Yes, oh, well. They are useful to us, either way, just wish they were the egg kind of useful, not the drumstick kind of useful... And yeah, Husband has a good sense of when I need to "get away". I think it gives him a chance to see places we've wanted to explore. And me time to take pictures!!!
