Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Happy New Year!

The evening was thrill packed.  Husband read, and I knit. We watched the news, then checked out the Twilight Zone Marathon.  About 3 episodes later, we started to doze off.  So we crashed, hoping for a good new year. 

I awoke at Midnight to roaring gunfire, explosions, and crashing noise. Ding, who has been spooked by loud noises ever since we adopted her, made a tiny whimper, and crawled between us on the bed to hide.  I put an arm over her, told her everything is okay, until she finally fell asleep.  (And the Gawdawful cacophony stopped!)

This morning, Husband asked if there was much noise last night.

You know, there are times when I would say hearing loss could be a good thing...

May your 2019 be happy and healthy!

1 comment:

messymimi said...

Heeheehee! Yes, a bit of hearing loss can have its advantages. So can just pretending to be deaf, as in a short story i read recently.

Hope you, your Husband, and all of your critters have a blessed and beautiful 2019!