Saturday, September 21, 2019

Knit stuff...

I need to do some culling.  Or some finishing.  Or both. 

Bless him, Husband put up some shelves so I could put projects up that I needed to set aside for one reason or another.  This could be as varied as,"ran out of one particular color of yarn for project", to "it's in the time out area, because it's that, or I am going to set fire to it." 

So, for example, I have LOTS of yarn put back for the Slow moving vehicle afghan/quilt.  I have thought about it, planned it, even come up with some ideas for add ins.  I have even tried both crochet, and knit for the triangles.  And even a combination of them.  Sounds great, right? 

Except after all the doings... I don't really care if I do it.  It's sort of... there.  So, I will probably have to sort out the colors, and put them in my color boxes of yarn.

(Color box.  To explain, I have beau coup yarn, so I have boxes labeled with color for each, i.e., yellow, blue, red, etc.  I have had so many people just GIVE me yarn, I needed some sort of system... Cheap and easy, I guess...)

And I have a project for a friend.  She died.  I don't know if I want to undo the project, finish it and give it away, or what.  It's probably about 80% or more finished.  That's the bummer of it.  I could finish it, but it was meant for a particular person.  I am of several minds on this, would some one be offended if I gave them something meant for someone else?  Could I use the yarn for another project?  Would a charity want the silly thing?  Do I want to finish it? 

Nothing like overthinking something...

And then there are the ones... The Oh, it's so lovely, I want to make it for myself, it will look so good with X outfit.  I cast on, knit like crazy for a bit, and then... OMG, what demon from the lowest pit of yarn barf made this pattern??!?!?  It looks so wonderful on the page, but knitting it is the most excruciating form of torture I have had in a long bit.  In one case, I don't even know if I still can wear the outfit it was to go with!  So, at least in THAT case, no problem, it goes into the frog pond, and I may, or may not burn the pattern to rid the house of the evil spirits it seems to contain. 


Then there is one or two, I love them, they aren't hard, just haven't the oomph to sit and GET THEM FINISHED!!! There is some Christmas elves, there is a cool little monster doll, some socks (socks? Me?  Not finish socks?  I guess because it's with two yarns held together, it feels odd for me to work with it...), so I have to get each thing down, look it over, and decide, dang it, do I want this, or not? 

I keep hearing about this Marie Kondo method of "does it bring you joy?"  If it doesn't, thank it, and give it away, or whatever. 

I am thinking, "Yep, you did fine in your past as a shawl, we are upgrading you to socks and a hat, so thanks for hanging in there..."

Somehow, I don't think that was what she was going for...


messymimi said...

The project for the friend who died -- and please accept my condolences, by the way, that must have been very sudden if you were making something for her -- would her family want it as a remembrance?

Cat said...

Thank you. And I really don't think so, I had made something else for her, and they are indeed keeping that, from what I understand, but right now they are trying to parcel out things of hers, she was... rather vigorous in getting this and that... Not a hoarder, exactly, but rather ambitious in getting things...
