Saturday, June 29, 2024


Linky bits

1. My ankle has been holding up very well. I get TIRED doing things, but as a rule, I am not HURTING. 

2. My tricycle that I am re-learning to ride, had the back fenders mashed, before I got it. Husband carefully tapped the dents out, and when they are put on the back, with the support bars in place, it should be close to invisible, unless you are really close. 

3. We have been sorting through clothes. Husband has found a few items, like short socks, that he doesn't care for, and gave to me. I now have socks that are for summer, and unlike my handknitted socks, I don't really care if I get dirty. 

4. A bit more ethereal... I am thankful when we can get up early, when it's still dark, and watch the sun rise, and the colors of the area go from blacks and gray, to vividness. 

5. We are getting buttercups and daisies growing in the areas around the house and the field. I just think they look happy.

6. I have some mystery plants, I lost the tag on them when I planted them... Long story. But they are doing well! (I suspect they are hollyhocks and cucumber, but will have to wait a while for the blooms... Or whatever.)

7. The farmers nearby were able to get all the hay in okay, even though we had some rain after it was cut. But a good refluffing, and a dry day with wind and warm, the balers were in overdrive! 

8. I took a little time to play with a crochet yarn, it makes granny squares without needing to cut and add a new color each time. It's mildly tinkery, but the colors are wonderful, to me. I will see how many of them a skein makes, and if I want to make a large project, or just throw the finished squares in my "crazy quilt" pile. I am always thankful when I discover something new. Even when it's not yarn! ;-)

9. Between garden work, biking some, and exercises when I am not doing other things, and some tweaks in my diet, I am starting to lose a little weight again. I wasn't able to do much for a long bit, so I am much thankful for energy to get going again. 

10. I am thankful for where I live, my family, my friends, and the life I am able to have. 


messymimi said...

Sunrises are a delight, buttercups and daisies do look happy, I'm glad your ankle doesn't hurt and you are able to work on your health goals, and this is an all around great thankful list!

Astrid said...

I love your gratefuls. Chuckled at your comment about yarn. #4 also made me smile. I am blind so cannot see the sunrise, but I can definitely imagine how beautiful it must be.

Lisa Tomey said...

Isn't it wonderful to watch each new day arrive! Happy flowers are the best!

clark said...

totally concur on Grat#4
have always been morning person but with Summer there's appreciable light on either end of the day!