Saturday, September 14, 2024

Ten, thankfully...

 1. Much thankful that Messymimi got through the hurricane okay, and also celebrating a fresh new family member!

2. Have several chemo caps to turn in. Knitting on one now, in fact. 

3. Things are slowly getting back to normal around the house. Mostly waiting for mail from the hospital... 

4. The weather is cooling! I am enjoying not sweating and smelling, and trying not to move for the better part of the day. 

5. While I haven't stared/finished many yet, I have finally organized several of my UFOS (Un Finished Objects) .

6. Had a session with my Mom, so she can read my blog, and use her tablet. I think she's getting there!

7.  Because of a app Husband got, I am able to watch a very cool show. British, about historians who spend a year working on a farm, as if they were Victorians. Hence the name Victorian Farm. Highly, highly recommend. 

8. I have been using the hair ties I crocheted over. They work very well. Hooray, me! 

9. We had a problem with our fridge, but a phone call to the manufacturer, under warranty? We will send out a replacement part. And it was tinkery, but Husband was able to remove said klinker, and replace with the new one... 

10. Oh, and BIL made it home safely from our house, after all the goings on. 

Good week to all! :)


messymimi said...

It's great news about the fridge, and the other things, too. A fridge, though, that's big and important.

clark said...

good list. the everyday Grats? surely they are foundation of why this blog has lasted as long as it has
have a good week

Cat said...

Yes, but we lost a few items. The chickens ate royally for a day or so!!

Cat said...

Thank you! :)