Saturday, January 18, 2025


 Linky bits

1. That we have doctors...

2. I am so thankful for Firefighters and police, especially those needing to be in California right now.

3. I am thankful for the clerks at my local grocery stores, the majority are so helpful, especially when I am not doing so great with my knee... :/

4. I am thankful for (most) Physical Therapists, who have managed to get me working fairly normally again, and hopefully will once more, fingers crossed. 

5. The people who fix our roads. I wish they were working right now, but when they do, our roads don't make milk into butter! (Minor exaggeration.)

6. I am thankful for various experts we've talked to, about aging, care of elders, that sort of thing.

7. I am thankful for custodians. Knowing what kind of junk, and mess people can make, custodial work does NOT get enough credit.

8. Secretaries. Having to make appointments, or get information, they can be sometimes more helpful than the person I am going to! :/

9. Neighbors. Knowing that they will look out for you, and you can return the favor, it's not family... But it's close.

10. Blog readers. Because even though my silly Internet seems bound and determined to not let me write notes, you've written to me, and I so appreciate it!

Super week to all! 


messymimi said...

Thank you for the mention of custodians/janitors/housekeeping staff.

Isn't it amazing how many people we need in our lives, we're all so interconnected, it's good to remember and be thankful for them.

Kristi said...

I hope your knee feels better soon.

GirlieOnTheEdge said...

"Ten-derly..." A lovely titling to an equally lovely list.

clark said...

yeah... what they said

this part of the internet (the blogosphere) is truly remarkable. don't know what I'd do without it!
I suppose I would do the penpal thing from way back in the day... but jeez "Lets see, the postman gets here at 2:00... so, I guess I have time to get a coffee or an undergraduate degree in literary sciences and then wait at the end of the driveway for a Reply to my Comment

Cat said...

I find that'st to be so true!

Cat said...

Thank you!

Cat said...

:) Thanks!

Cat said...

That tickles me, as I do some penpalling! Guess it's just a matter of how quickly you need/want an answer!