Thursday, January 22, 2009

Buzz, CERT, FEMA, and a hat. Oh, and knitting...

Took my kitten Buzz to be 'fixed' today. We found out an interesting fact about him today. He's a HER. Which makes me doubly sure I want her fixed. I love kittens. (!!!) But there are so many people that will GIVE me kittens, I hardly need to have one that randomly explodes kits everywhere! She was just happy as all get out to do the exam. (Oooh, more people to love and adore me!) Not real happy about the trip in, but she likes to 'buzz' around all over the place, and carriers don't allow that. Especially a carrier that she is almost too big for!

Well, 2/3 finished with my CERT class, I guess that means I am partially CERTified. Or CERTifiable, according to some... I now have a backpack, or CERT bag, with hat, vest, books, first aid kit, and probably some other stuff, the handout of supplies made a big pile on the table. I added some Sharpie markers, and a head lamp for the hat, (thank you for those, Husband), as well as a standard flashlight. I will ask some of the instructors what they think I should maybe have, although one suggested in class zip ties and duct tape. Why the zip ties, I am not sure, but tape in any form seems like a plus...

The only spooky part was putting out a fire. I'd never used a fire extinguisher before, and our fire was a big (about 5-6 foot long) pan filled with some stinky liquid, I am guessing diesel or saw gas), tank, and when lit, the flames were just a bit taller than me. I guess I did ok, sprayed the white powdery stuff all over it, and it went out. THANK G*D. I guess that showed on my face, because the fireman got a devilish smile, and said, OOPS, you missed a spot, and started it again! Well, I put it out a SECOND time, and then he let me off the hook. I had my leather jacket on, and was quite glad, that fire was HOT. Only minor thing, I now keep finding all these neat little white spots on my black jacket! Ick.

I was encouraged during class to go to the FEMA website and take some online courses. Which is all well and good, IF you can figure out how to navigate the site. She who isn't sure what she's looking for finally looked it up using Google. Lawdy, I loves that Google, more than once, I have had to go there to find what I KNEW was on x site, but un-findable...

So, this is a hat. (Sorry, didn't realize the picture was quite so dark.) It's a welder's hat, and the one thing you might notice is the diamond shapes on it. It's sort of quilted, and I have thought for a long time that this would be a neat thing for 'filling in'. So I am going to use DMC floss of various types, beads, and whatever else strikes my fancy, and make this a welders hat with a distinctive personality... (Mental, some would say, but that's beside the point.) I found that the 'front', (it's normally worn backwards, with the bill over the back of the neck, so welding "berries" won't burn hair or skin there), is where the seam is, and it's not straight... So, I am sort of skee-jaw and hmm-ing a lot to make it look like I intended it that way. Adding to it, the things there are not diamonds, but sort of trapezoidal squarish blocks, it makes it... Interesting. But, hey, I don't have time constraints, I can do what I want, so Poo. We shall see what transpires.

Knitting. Uh. Oops. THOUGHT there was a picture. Catch that next time, I guess. Anyway, I am now a relative, (If you do genealogy, YOU figure it out). My mom's second cousin's daughter in law had a baby. I knitted a set for her. And it is a her, with all fingers and toes, and I believe about 9 lbs. In fact, I finished the booties the day before she showed up! Nothing like cutting it close! So, now a photo, and send it on its way. Then back to knitting for babies in the Navy and Marines!

(Why did that last sentence give me an image of toddlers with spit and polish military outfits crawling about?)

So, Buzz will come back this afternoon somewhat lighter below decks, I will be working on a hat, and I am doing ok with CERT. Life seems good...

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