Wednesday, April 01, 2015

A is for...


Do you ever go somewhere, and it just feels right?  You know that it is the place you are supposed to be.  I am lucky enough to live in that area.  Helps that both my husband and I grew up here, but still, I have lived other places.  They were perfectly nice, I really enjoyed where I lived in college, even tried to convince my then husband to be to live with me there.

He already had a place.  We moved there after I finished college.  I thought it was a nice place, the neighbors were kind of hit and miss, but it was... Okay.

We then tried being on a boat for a bit.  It was nice, for a while, but it was just a bit too much on the pocketbook, and finding that we were going to have to make a decision on how to get to family if emergencies occurred.  Just didn't work out.

We stayed at my in-laws, in what was our 'old' house, in a new area (a manufactured house that they'd bought from us, then sold later, when they decided they wanted to move way south...), and that was not really all that fun.  Husband had a short jaunt to work, but I was uncomfortable there.  We didn't stay long, as we were helping them sell the house.

We looked for a place for a while, and I, as I am wont to do, fell in love with several places, which we were outbid on each and every time (well before the fall of the housing market...).  I started getting, er, less than happy about the search.  Husband, he just kept looking.

Then, by a strange fluke, we found a house for sale, on what was one of the most miserable, rainy, windy, stormy days in a long time.  The Realtor even had asked if we really wanted to see the house in that weather.


We signed on it that day.  The next day dawned bright and lovely, and people wanted to see it.  Too late.

We have lived here, near family (at this point, both his and mine), with numerous chickens, cats, dogs, llamas... We have good neighbors, (even the crazy one that I think rode his bike without a helmet a few too many times), and we try to be good neighbors in turn.

Sometimes things just work.


C.D. Gallant-King said...

Very cool. I have to say I don't think I've found "that area" yet. The house, area, even city we live in were all places we said we would never end up, yet here we are. It's becoming home, because this is where our family is starting, but there's still a part of me that expects us to pack up an move on a day's notice...

stephen Hayes said...

For us, Portland, Oregon proved us with our "that area," and we've been happy here for thirty-five years. But I admit to being a bit itchy for a change of scenery, mostly a warmer, sunnier climate. I envy your contentment.

Sally said...

That house was obviously meant for you. You are very lucky to love the area you live in.

Mercy.James. said...

Sometimes it really takes the aspect of having completely given up, when the unexpected turns into the best of the best.

Glad you've found the right place - I'll keep searching and making do for now. The flip side is, in the meantime, I get to really figure out what it is I'm searching for - it's becoming instinctual.

Great and interesting first challenge post. :)

messymimi said...

What a nice story of landing in just the right house!

Faye North said...

How nice for you that you've found your perfect place! Enjoy the A-Z Challenge.

Faye at Destination: Fiction

Anonymous said...

Home is where the heart is, and it appears you picked the perfect house to live in too!

Click said...

The Isle of Bute is kind of like that for my family. We came for a two week holiday, spent the first week looking around and the second week buying a house!

I kind of felt that way when I went to North Yorkshire on holiday. I looked around and thought 'I could live here'. And to the same extend the house I live in now was one of those places you can just walk into and imagine yourself happy in.

Cait @ Click's Clan

P.S. is the cat in your profile picture from the Sarah Keen Farm Animals book?

Rhonda Albom said...

Yes, we live there too. We are in New Zealand and knew right away it was the place for us.

Cat said...

To your P.S.- No, it's from a gal that sells patterns, "Oliver Boliver". I think that she has some really cute things, but since I go by Knitcat online, I thought this was very appropriate.


Cat said...

Yes, I have family that feel that way about where they live. I guess home is sometimes where you live, and sometimes mostly where you have your life.


Cat said...

I am content, but travel isn't out of the question! ;)


Cat said...

I think so.

Cat said...

Yes, sometimes, it's the aggravations and annoyances that make me appreciate the end even more...


Cat said...


Cat said...

I like to think so!

Cat said...

A place I would like to visit some day...