Friday, December 28, 2018

Clean and tidy. Yeah... Sure.

Had some time off from running all over, and have been cleaning.  The house, the craft room (a little more visible, anyway)... Aaaand, the chicken house.

How to clean a chicken house.*

Wait way too long because of being low on bedding material, and rain, which makes the clean up heavy, and sloppy.

So, as a last resort, get some hay and put down.

Then Husband makes a run into town, brings back bedding.

Decide to clean the next day.
Get backache, skip it.

Get up next day, feel better, go start cleaning.

Start trying to scoop hay. Hay does NOT scoop well. Recall that brick was originally mud and straw.  Throw some feed out so chickens will stop getting underfoot.  Several leave deposits as they leave, right where I cleaned.


Finish pulling loads of manure out to dump. Shoo chickens from underfoot again, as they think I am going to feed them. Lose hat when Noid flies up and does a bank shot off my head.

Swear again.

Clean out nests, use old bedding for floor.

Pick up cedar bale, have it tear open.  Sigh, then refill nests with fresh bedding.  Realize that there is a long streak of crap down your shirt from one of the nests.

Wipe off with dry cedar, while running out of swear words. 

Dump three quarters of a bale, drop feed on cedar.  Chickens throw bedding about, so I don't have to.  Watch as they eat and poop profusely.

Hope I don't have to wait so long next time...

*Absolutely not recommended!


Tom Stephenson said...

I am going to go to bed using this as a mantra to sleep.

messymimi said...

Heeheehee! Having never owned chickens, just babysat them, i can only imagine.

Cat said...

As long as it isn't the swearing, that's cool... :)

Cat said...

Oh, you don't need to imagine. Let's just leave it that cleaning out litter boxes is a Much easier task. And generally, the cat isn't leaving a present at your foot while you're in the middle of the job... At least Ding doesn't, anywho...