Tuesday, March 26, 2019

It's SPRING BREAK!! (also known as one week of rain...)

In seriousness, it is closer to half a week of rain.  Today, for example, is very nice, and few clouds.  So, the kids will get some pleasant weather to go create havoc and chaos... Heh.  This is from someone who's idea of spring break was to go home, do laundry, and sleep for about 2 days... Then see what things I needed to get ready for, for the next school session. 

Not really a party animal, no. 


Well.  Hmm.  Found out our doctor is retiring.  I am not pleased much about that, but, on the bright side, we don't have to hunt for a new doctor, there is one taking his patient load.  And, looking him up, he seems to be freshly minted from our doctor school nearby.  I think this might be a good thing.  I just hope I don't seem old, broken down, and decrepit.

Oh, wait...    (Hee hee!!!) 😃

Well, we need to trim another wing.  Mon Ami, that lovable stinker, has figured out how to get over the fence.  We have trimmed one wing, thinking this would stop him.


I watched, as he got waaaaaay back from the fence, took a fast run, then jumped and flapped right near the gate, managed to get his feet on to the gate, then jumped down, into the wide world of  Not In The Henyard.  This is not going swimmingly for Husband, as there are little land mines about.  And Mon Ami, he just wants to follow me about like a puppy, can't understand why I put him back in the pen.  Someone must have spoiled him.  Can't imagine who. Cough...

I have been working on knitting a vest for myself.  I think it will be quite nice, especially in cold weather, as it is a good, thick wool.  It's red, (Think Cola Can red), and the pattern is really nice...


I have a problem with one little part.  It's called a fleck stitch (it looks something like this...)  This should NOT be a problem.  But it is.  And it's about 1/3 of the patterns, alternating, on the vest.  I have the back finished, and so far, haven't found any major boo-boos, so I really need to make it match on the front.  I started, and found I was continually making a mistake of putting two rows of knit and purl in, when you only need one.  I think this was because the pattern calls for this fleck stitch, and then moss stitch, which is ALL knit and purl.  So I frog*.  And knit. And frog.  THEN there was my bright idea to knit both of the front panels at the same time.  Until I realized I had managed to knit both fronts, as both LEFT fronts.  And, I had made the same blasted mistake on them, so they had a couple nasty squares that were screwed up.  So, frog again...

So, I started knitting alllllllll over again on the LEFT one.  SLOWLY knitting on that one.  Husband noticed that I had started another project...  I told him I needed to put that away for a day or two, and do some mindless knitting, so I don't go seeing if anyone wants it for target shooting.  So, I will get it out, and with severe trepidation, measure to see if it is coming out equal with the back, and then finish, and start on the Right half. 

And do I want to do this vest again? Yes.  Do I want to do fleck stitch, oh, **** no!  In fact, I was thinking of doing no pattern at all, just using blocks of color, or textured yarn for the accent.  But I do need to finish this one first.  Dang.

As far as the blanket, I am doing something with a stitch that I just came up with, and have later found out it is an actual stitch that has a name.  (Yep, right here, if you want to see...)  I just made it up, when I found out a stitch I used didn't show up well on my sock, so I did this instead. 

The funny thing, most knitters see it, and comment on how odd the stitch is, the way I use it.  One or two even said that it doesn't look good.  But, I have come to the opinion, it's my socks, I will knit little bumps, or not, or colors that are different on each sock, or whatever, as I am not doing for anyone but me.  So dere.  I guess I have been a bit irked by some of the folks telling me how "off" some of my knitting is, I know it's not everyone's cup of  Camellia sinensis.  I have things I could comment on other's knitting, but I figure, they enjoy it, and you know, life is too darn short to worry about a funky color, or oddball combination of stitches.  If they like, go forth and knit, dang it!  Considering I have even been told I was a witch one time, because of what I was knitting**, I tend to be a bit shy of showing off my stuff anymore... 

Woo!! So, off the soap box.  Anyway, the blanket is another co-creation with Ding kitty and my knitting.  She keeps pulling yarn balls out at night, and then wants attention.  I give it to her, and the cycle repeats.  So, I had to do something with it.  I have made a simple garter stitch blanket for the trailer. Also, a lap warmer, my Mom likes to have something in my car, as an electric car tends to use up electrons very quickly when the heat is on... 

So, this will be the Linen Stitch Flow blanket.  Flow, because when you change colors, the first color alternates with the second, then goes to the second, so it isn't quite as jarring.  (Especially since she picks out some color combinations that are... unique, to say the least.  But it's fun to see what she comes up with.)  I was worried when she first started doing that, but she has never eaten the yarn, or done anything but pull it out, carry it into the hall or front room, then sing for me to come see.  Kinda wish she'd do that at times other than 2 am, but hey, it's a cat thing...

* frog, based on the sound a frog makes, you rip-it, rip-it... Also known as throwing something in the frog pond.

** I was knitting with yarn I'd spun, and she'd noticed that I'd spun it counterclockwise.  In front of a large circle of ladies, she pipes up, LOUDLY, "Oh, you're a witch, then?!??"  You could have heard a pin drop.  She then continues, "Only witches spin backwards!"  Um.  Oh.  I had no response, and she finally left.  I don't think the red left my face for a half hour.  None of the other women said a thing.  I don't know if they did think me a witch, didn't know what to say, or just were as dumbfounded as I was.  It still didn't do too much for me...

1 comment:

messymimi said...

No, you are not a witch, and i am having a difficult time not thinking of her as a very rude word that rhymes.

You are right about kniting things how you want and the way you want and please yourself since you wear it. Life's too short to pass judgment on people just because they like to dress, or knit, a bit differently.

Ding sounds like quite a cat, and Mon Ami seems enthusiastic to escape, but i wonder to what.