Thursday, March 21, 2019

Snow, confusion, cookies, my work is done...

We had some snow a bit ago.  Not like back east, but about... 5-6 inches, maybe.  I ended up not going into the sub, for two Tuesdays.  Now, I am a volunteer, so this is not exactly the end of the world.

However, the first week, I just called my supervisor, or more accurately, the person I thought was supposed to be the supervisor, and told them I wasn't able to come in.  My little electric car is not built for snow and ice.  Not really all that comfortable with my little truck, either, so I passed on going in.  (If you don't need to be out, don't go.  Good advice.)  So, I cleaned house, made cookies, watched a little TV, felt weird because I wasn't working on reports...

And the next day, I receive a phone call from one of the OTHER volunteers, who could get in, (lives in town, and the snow wasn't as bad there), she was asking if I was okay.

Yeessss... Why?  I called in.

Oh, the guys in the sub, they were worried when you didn't come in, that you were sick...

???  I called in, to Mr. X, wasn't that the one I was supposed to call?

Huh? Oh, now it's Mr. Z, the one that works here, not the one at the main office.

Oh...  Well, let all and sundry know I am okay, just enough snow and no plowing here, so I can't safely get out.

The next week I emailed Mr. Z, and asked him to leave a note on the volunteer desk that I was fine, just still snowed in.

I built a snow cougar that day, about scared the mail lady to death, she obviously hadn't seen me, while putting the mail in the box, I called out a hello, and she nearly hit the top of her car, she jumped so.

When I came back, there was much happy with the crew. Mr. Z had indeed left a note, and there was much discussion on how I could have made it in, with the fire truck we had.  But, among other things, we've sold it, so...

It's nice to know I am liked and appreciated here.

The fresh batch of cookies didn't hurt 'em, either...  :)


messymimi said...

Yes, if you have to miss, bring cookies and all is right with the world. Cookies cover about as much sin as love does, i think.

Cat said...

Yes, I think most of them are growing boys, and I think the majority are walking stomachs... So cookies do well! ;) The big softies!
