Tuesday, May 14, 2019

New Garden Store.

Our community has a new garden store.  My Mom and I went to the grand opening, and wow, oh, boy were there a lot of folks!  I think that when you mention free food, there is a huge turnout.  Especially since it was a nice, warm day, and they had free ice cream, churned by tractor.  No joke, the guy churns the stuff from the PTO on the back of the tractor in a large ice cream maker.  He makes ice cream at one of the local farmer's markets, and it is very good.  However, he was going through so much of it, it was a bit more "soft serve" than usual!

I suppose that I am a garden geek, (among other geekdoms), but I have been looking for 2 different fertilizers.  Yep, specialized poo, so to speak.  I have found one at a local store, but the other thus far was more than an hour drive away, and I just didn't see the value in that... BUT, this store has the second type I wanted.  So, I have been trying it with the new plants I have, (some watermelon, acorn squash, and tomatoes, along with columbine, and a couple wave petunias), and it is working quite well...

However, the one I used has an... unintended side effect.  It's a fish fertilizer.  I put a dab in the ground, and went to get the hose to dilute it.  I come back, and Buzz is twitterpated, making sure she is front and center of stinky fish smell.  I almost had to spray her with the hose to get her to leave it alone!  But everything that is planted so far is doing well, except the potatoes.  I am going to start over with those.  The carrots aren't really taking off yet, but I did notice a nice side effect of  bird netting.  The evil, nasty, no good, rotten slugs haven't gotten in yet.  I don't hold out hope that they will stay out, but at the moment, the slug trails remain on the OUTSIDE of the netting. 

And for any keeping score, I honestly only bought 4 tomatoes.  I want to buy/grow some red and yellow pear tomatoes for myself, but I am trying to keep it under 10 this year.  I have had as many as 16, and harvest tends to get a bit overwrought.  So, just enough for family, and a couple friends that would want any, and the others for me, for soup.

I will be getting some other seed in the ground soon.  Farmer Cat and her garden strike again!


messymimi said...

Hooray for Farmer Cat! That would make a fun cartoon character, too, like Nature Cat.

Retired Knitter said...

I love garden stores in the spring. I don't garden, but there is something so fresh and promising about seeing all those new plants in perfect health waiting for new homes. I resist because the moment I buy a plant in perfect health - it begins to die. Maybe just a plant or two for my deck is all I buy.

Cat said...

Ok, now you have me thinking... I am going to have to do something about that now... Hee hee...


Cat said...

I can do pretty well with most plants, but letting you in on a secret... Except for the continuing battle with carrots, I am a Darwinian Gardener. That is, if it grows, I plant more of it. If it doesn't, nope, not again. Makes my green thumb look very green, if you don't see all the boo-boos before hand... ;)

Cat, who is actually getting LESS boo-boos.