Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Attack of the Hummers!

When I go out to water, I try to make it early in the day.  Sunrise, if possible, but morning, as a rule.

I went out, and it was still pretty early yet, so I took down the hummingbird feeders, and put them in the house, to clean, and get fresh sugar water made up.  I set the feeders to soak, and boiled up some simple syrup.  Too hot to put in the feeders, so I will go out and water, then finish up the job...

I walk out, and 'hmmm'.  'Mmmmmzzzzzzzmm'.  'Zwieeeeeeemmmm'.  The little hummers were flitting around, looking for the feeders.

Uh, oh...

Well, I will have it out for them in about 20 minutes.  But first, I need to water.

I start watering, and realize that my hat is getting an odd sensation, like someone is tapping it.  I am by myself in the garden, so this is strange.  Then I hear the hummer, right next to my ear, complete with buzzy little comments.  I go back to watering, and again, the little guy taps my hat. Again!  What IS the prob-


Last Halloween, I dressed as a hippie.  One of the parts of the costume was a braided headband with flowers.  Really cute little thing, and so Mom worked out a way to put it on my garden hat. (If I didn't say so, Thanks, Mom!)  I take off my hat, and just hold it out.  Sure enough, the little guy darts into the nearest flower, backs up, and I suspect, lets out the hummingbird version of high dudgeon invective.

I gently shoo the hummer away, and put my hat back on.  I start watering again.

And then I feel tapping on BOTH shoulders.  I look up to see a couple hummers right by my shoulders, and they are circling me, trying to feed from the red squares on my plaid shirt!

Ok, time to go in and get the feeders taken care of!  I go to the house, clean and fill, and bring out the feeders, so I can finish the watering.

I put up the feeders.  No one comes by.  I finish the watering in relative quiet.  Just as I am heading out of the garden, a kamikaze hummer dives right by my eyes, and stops short in front of the feeder.  After a long drink, he turns back, and watches me as if to say, "Well, what did you expect?"

I think I will take care of the feeders, THEN water, next time.  Or I might have a little bird or two, stuck to me like some sort of hyperactive dart!

1 comment:

messymimi said...

Heeheehee! Little knuckleheads, but cute little knuckleheads.