Thursday, June 27, 2019


In the "I don't like hurting", spasms in muscles rate right up there in the could-I-never-have-that-again category. I get Charlie Horses, and things of that ilk with depressing frequency.  I can tolerate them, but if I never had one again, it would not bother me a bit.

So, the thing I got in my neck?  It makes a Charlie Horse look like a playdate with baby rabbits and fluffy kittens!  I slept wrong, and something was uncomfortable in my neck.  I just worked it out slowly, and figured, oh, well, I will get another nights sleep, and then back to normal.

Yeah, sure...

I didn't sleep all that well that night, kept trying to find a spot that didn't jar the thing, and then about 3 a.m., it felt like someone had stuck a rusty fork in my neck. Deeply in my neck!

I got up, and found that if I sat bolt upright, and still, it didn't send screaming waves of pain up my neck, down my back and arm...  I tried meditation, and it did help some, but that has the normally GOOD side effect of relaxing me.  In a dark room, at the early hour, I would doze off, and just about send myself into shock as I would move my head down or sideways, then send off screaming pain signals. 

So, I sat, staring at the window, and trying to decide what I was going to do.  Husband woke, and I don't know what my expression was, but he actually paled, and said, are you all right?  I told him what was wrong, and he said it sounded like a pinched nerve.  He helped me with a bit of a gentle pull on my arm to loosen the area that was spasm-ing.  It was not pleasant, but slowly, it calmed to being very uncomfortable, not 'please can my neck fall off'...

I was able to doze after that, but man, it really nailed me.  I wrote this blog about 2 days after the incident, and I still have a badly sore muscle from where it was trying to cramp and spasm! 

So, in the great scheme of things, if I become Queen of the Universe, I am officially outlawing pinched nerves! 

1 comment:

messymimi said...

Please do! You could outlaw sciatica and bulged discs while you are at it, please.