Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Long day...

My Husband and I had one of those sort of busy, get stuff taken care of mornings, and then had finally sat down to rest for a bit before dinner. 

He gets a phone call, and it's from his dad.  Husband's youngest brother is under EMT care, he is not responsive, and they are taking him to the hospital.

We just sat dumbfounded.  He was doing fine!  Dad and Mom-in-law were staying at his house!  GAH???


We waited, Brother in law is a state away, with Middle Brother and Dad.  We received word, this morning, Youngest Brother didn't make it. 

He wasn't much older than me, so there's that.  He was finally getting settled in, doing pretty well for himself, and working on hearth and home.  Having been there, I might add, quite a nice home.

Husband has been hit hard, obviously.  I am going to have to see what happens, he might have to do some travelling in the future. 

Just amazing how a normal day can go completely sideways, and kick you in the teeth sometimes...


messymimi said...

Praying for all of you. (((Hugs)))

Sally said...

So sorry for your loss.

Cat said...

Thank you.

Cat said...

Thank you.