Thursday, September 05, 2019

Unholy Mole-y.

My new patio has been invaded.  There is a mole, vole, rodent digger, that has undermined the bricks, leaving big dirt piles, AND making the bricks unstable, as there is no dirt/sand under. 

To say I am not happy is an major understatement.  I want to let that rodent know that my Husband put that in, knock it off!

Husband was out trying to delete said rodent.  We thought he had, until I went out to water that evening.  A large lump 'o dirt, proving the little monster had managed to elude.

Buzz has been busy, but hasn't caught it either...  Snarl.

One of those things, I suppose.  I have had trouble with these things before, in my garden.  Stupid rodents are fond of worms and roots, and gee, what's in a garden? Pbbt.

I am not sure why they are invading the patio, unless it's because it's fresh dirt, and they are looking for lazy worms, or something...

So, here's hoping that said rodent finds out how good of a hunter Buzz is...  Or leaves.  Either one...


messymimi said...

Wildlife is wonderful! Until it invades the garden. Or the patio.

Hope it is dispatched soon.

Cat said...

Maybe? Husband managed to get at it, and I haven't seen too much evidence of it, but I am afraid, it, or some relative, will be back, soon enough...