Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Close call!

I like for my chickens to be free range, we let them wander all over in the field.  Realistically, I have to be prepared that it means that I might lose some...

Almost happened...

Husband and I were talking, and whoosh, a hawk flew by the window.  I didn't see what commenced next, but the hens were screeching and running for the hen house, and then I saw the hawk fly up to the top of one of our neighbor's trees, and watch.  Uh, oh...

Neither Husband or I could tell if the hawk had grabbed anything.  I was busy making dinner, so he went out and checked.  He looked a bit pale when he came back.

"I can't find the babies."

Oh, crap.  I told him that I would go out and check after dinner. 

It was a rather quiet meal... 

After getting things put away, I put on my coat, and went out, fully expecting to find no chicks, or a small explosion of feathers.  (Hawks 'tackle' prey, and then proceed to tear out feathers. Both lead to a big mess of feathers on the ground...)

I walked out, and saw the hawk had left. Well, plus one, anyway.  Then the group started coming out when I called for them...

Then I heard it, peeppepepepepepeeeeppeeeep!  I looked, Mama had to vacuum packed chicks near under her as she walked. (How she didn't trip, I am not sure...)  But both Salt and Pepper seemed none the worse for wear, shaken badly, but they will live another day.



messymimi said...

Glad they are okay, and i hope Mr. Hawk goes hunting elsewhere.

Cat said...

So do I!!!