Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Halloweenie stuff...

Well, a very quiet Halloween.  The ones I expected, showed up early, and so it was a race to put my costume on, so I could greet them at the door. 

I was a black cat, a hoodie with kitty ears, black fingertip gloves, long(er) fingernails*, black pants and shoes. 

I greet the little guy at the door, he just started kindergarten this year.  First thought, Bummer, his older sibling isn't along.  Second, I am trying not to crack up at the dumbfounded look little one has, he is dressed as a Dalmatian dog.  He finally came to the door, and bless him, holds out his bag and says "THANK YOU!" 

That's when I did finally crack up.  We managed to get "Trick or Treat!" figured out, and I gave him his bundle.  I have so few kids, the ones who do show usually get a haul.

We turned on all the lights, I even waved at a few people from the window.  No others showed.  I really kind of miss having kids come to the house.  Even the next door neighbor boy didn't show.   I keep sniffing to see if I have bad  breath or pit odor...eep!

As for the pumpkins...
I thought, well, if I am going to decorate, guess I should haul the two pumpkins from the pod.  I had them in there to be cool and dark.  This was a good idea, in theory.

I opened the pod door to find my white pumpkins were now banana yellow.  Not white, not orange. Yellow.  Odd...

So, I might put them out for Thanksgiving decorations,  or just seed save. 

But they do look... Different.  Almost iridescent, and banana yellow. 

But, on the bright side, this is November 5th, and I have NO TOYS on the counter!!!

May the go reside in whatever circle of Hades they came from... ; )

* I had probably no more than about a quarter inch or so longer than normal.  This doesn't sound like much, but as thin and wimpy as my fingernails are, it made a very strained month or so, trying to keep them from breaking off.  I guess I should try fake fingernails some time.  Can't be worse than continually catching my nails and bending them backward when feeding or gardening, or sweating them breaking off... Sigh...


messymimi said...

Are the pumkins like my plates that look white when you hold them up against something with color and a pale yellow when you hold them up against a true white?

My fingernails break off (actually peel off) very easily, too, and for some reason the fake one won't stick, either. Very seldom do i have nice looking nails.

Cat said...

It's the first year I have tried growing the pumpkins, I would have to say, I don't know as far as color. They are, well, were white, but since they are related to the orange ones, they might be just like you said, just an overcover of white, with a somewhat more natural color under...

Never have tried the long fake nails... And yes, the nails are kept clipped short, as they just fall apart. Tear, peel, chip, you name it, so they stay in the 'we aren't having edges to catch on things' length... sigh...
