Thursday, January 23, 2020

Mess on aisle...

I had stored the white pumpkins in my pod, whence they turned yellow.  It's cool and dark in there, so I didn't worry about them... I figured, hey, when I need them, I will get them out to feed the chickens...

Ugh.  What a mistake.  I didn't take into account, cool, dark place doesn't mean 27 degrees.  Yeppers, it was well  below freezing for a few days, might have even been cooler than that, but it was cold...

I figured, well, I am not going to use the pumpkins, I am going to gift them to the chickens for Christmas.

Oh, what a mess...  I opened the pod door, and the pumpkins had shrunk.  They were lopped over to one side, and looked a bit like a mis-colored flat tire.

Uh, oh...

I tried lifting up one, and well, let's just say, it didn't work.  I ended up using a shovel, and the chickens, well, they tore it apart and ate the seeds, but it wasn't exactly the feast I'd planned...   I sprayed the pod area with Lysol, and, since it was still cold, decided to close up shop, and deal with it later...

Fast forward to about a few days ago.  Husband and I were chatting about a change that he was going to make to the pod, and he said, did you ever get that pumpkin mess cleaned up?

Oh, @$^%!!! 

Er, no, honey, forgot all about it...  So, we had a rare January 50 degree day, and I got out a mop and a bucket, some towels, and went out, expecting a slurry, mold, SOMETHING disgusting...

But it really wasn't.  There was a long area where the pumpkins had leaked liquid, now dust dry, and two little spots that were bits of pumpkin where they had sat, also dry. 

I mopped the dust up, and it was nearly undetectable, once I had finished, except for one bit of pumpkin, that I will have to use a plastic card or something to scrape up, because it sort of stuck.  Not bad for a 'what are we going to have to clean up after nearly a month?' (Whew!)


messymimi said...

Sometimes cold dessicates, what a good thing in this case.

Cat said...

OH, MY YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
