Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Pop! Pop! Pop!

(Almost got 2 o's in that title, that would have given SUCH a different meaning... Eeek!) 😆

So, I don't get a great amount of comments on my blog.  I appreciate the ones that I do get, but still, I wondered if something was blocking folks...  And, Retired Knitter emailed me...

Turns out, the embedded bit for comments was blocking her.  Odd.  So, I tried to change it to Pop Up version. 

I picked the wrong time to change anything on my blog.  I have to remember, any body and fender work HAS to be done when our internet works...  So, I thought I had changed it, but no.  Sigh.

Today, since I have good internet, I decided to check if I could change it.  YES!  Success! 

So, I was also asked if I could get a email delivery of my blog.  Sure!  Uh.  As soon as I figure out how...  Tech support?  Help??  Cough.. 

But wait!  She goes into the depths of the stylistic stuff and nonce to make the blog... Dig here... No...  Is that... No...  What about... Is this it?  Well, boys and girls, I think that I found the send it by email thing, now at the left side, if I did it right...

I find that I have this habit of just rambling through things like this, while others I know, could have the blog up and have little blinking arrows pointing to the various important parts.

But, hey, I get there.  Just takes a bit longer. 

So, hopefully, if you've not been able to leave a note on my blog, now you can... And maybe get email, too... (Let me know if you do on the email, I still am not sure I did it right... Please??  Thanks!)


messymimi said...

Yes, i comment, and i hope you get it every time. As for email, i have a difficult enough time keeping up with what i already get, so i will keep you in my blog reading list for now.

Retired Knitter said...

YEAH!!! Success!!!

You did it all right. Your blog recognizes me as having a Google Account under Retired Knitter - and yes, I am now subscribed to receive your posts by email. You are A CHAMP!! And thank you for making the effort. I have dropped a few blogs because I couldn't comment - and commenting is half the fun I think!!

Cat said...

Messymimi, so not a problem. I know what it is to have a... generous amount of emails daily. I just figure if someone can get to it easier, I will see what I can do! :)

And Retired Knitter: YAY! Worketh for me! And yes, commenting is fun!
