Saturday, April 06, 2024

Ten. Good. Things.

Linky bits.

1. Took my Mom to a movie, I was not sure she would like. It was not her favorite, by any stretch, but she said it was okay. But, she got out of the house, Dad got to work on a project, and I got extra knitting time and chat time with Mom. Win all the way 'round! (Elvis, with Tom Hanks, if you're interested.)

2. Water to drink when I get up.  It tastes good, and I feel better. And I'm grateful to have it, too!

3. I finally figured out how to stop Ding from licking my lava lamp. Took a bit to work it out, but she doesn't want to get up where it is now. I still might write the lava lamp folks and ask if any other cats have a thing for grooming lava lamps... 

4. Warm blankets. Snuggling down into a warm fluffy just feels good!

5. Comics. They can be funny, pointed, angering, or just informative, with sketches and a few words. 

6. Leftovers when I've had a long day. 'nuff said... 

7. Watching the daily growth of an apple seed I planted. Looking at the tiny leaves, not a lot larger than the head of a pin, and knowing it could become something several feet tall, giving food and shelter to many... That's a neat thought. 

8. All of my Postcrossing cards made it to where they were supposed to, and several people liked them a lot! Yay!!

9. Safely getting from point A to point B. Knowing that accidents and wrecks are always possible, no matter how careful you are, I am grateful for safe travels for everyone I know, lately. 

10. Cardboard boxes. I suppose this is more my cat's thing of thankful, but I put a box down in the bedroom, to get it out of the way, until I fill it with donations. Ding loves to scratch her chin, jump in and out of it, a cat playground, if you will! It's fun to watch her, and it certainly gives her some fun!


messymimi said...

Warm blankets, cat playgrounds, and watching things grow, this is a most lovely list.

clark said...

Grat 10 is totally sanctioned*

Don't get me started on comics (in the newspaper, at any rate)... some make me crazy in terms of being cultural anachronism i.e. Blondie, Dennis the Menace

have a good week

* I'd cite the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) but this one (a non-human family member grat) has total precedence (BoSR/SBoR Chap 42 subsection 1-23)