Saturday, April 27, 2024

Ten little thankfuls, all in a row.

Linky bits... 

1. I was able to get all the areas around my raised beds, and the "backyard" area by it, mowed. This means I can clear the grass clogging my raised beds, and the backyard will be a place to plant some poor potted plants that should have been in the ground way long ago...  Ahem. 

2. I saved the grass clippings. Since we don't spray, I can use them for compost. And boy will I have a BUNCH of compost starter!! 

3. Quite a few of my seeds I started grew. Unfortunately, a few, I figured out, didn't sprout because it was too cold. I do have more seeds, so later, I shall try again.

4. We found a couple more hummingbird feeders, matching ones, so we now have 3 set up. We are getting dozens of hummingbirds! And less fights... 

5. Finally found where I put my hand lotion. Working in dirt is wonderful. But I didn't wear gloves. Not quite as smart as I should have been... Eeep... But it can be fixed.

6. Mom let me have her typewriter on long term loan, and if that doesn't work out, Dad said I can borrow his. 

7. And the Internet is amazing sometimes. I was able to find a new ribbon for Mom's typewriter.  And I dug around and found mistake tape, and can get that, too! 

8. I was able to replant my big jade tree, about 2 foot tall, that fell in the sink. I cut off a couple branches that had roots, and we will see if I do more of them. All this from one little half dead leaf I brought home from my volunteer job! 

9. And I guess the plants falling in the sink was a blessing in deep disguise. I replanted the ones that were being choked out, and removed the plants doing the choking. I wish I knew what they were, but I know not to put them with anything else!!! 

10. And I am getting things accomplished after over a year off my feet, and two years away from the garden. The weather messed up my garden in 2022. I probably won't get all I want taken care of, but man is it nice to be able to work on it again! 


messymimi said...

I'm glad having the extra feeders is nipping the fights in the bud. One man here put up a second because one hummer was guarding it. He started guarding both, so the man put up and third and fourth, and the doggone bird was flying loops around the house to guard all four. The man had to take them all down to keep the poor thing from killing itself.

I'm glad you have more seeds and a working typewriter with correction. What a convenience!

I'm thankful to be finally catching up on blog reading!

Kristi said...

I love to see "rescue" plants thrive. It's so rewarding to see plants grow. I'm away from my yard and garden this year, and am looking forward to returning to it next year.

Lisa Tomey said...

How fun to work with planting. I don't have a green thumb. Mine is more like the thumb from death. If I lived in prairie days, I'd have to take in mending to trade for food.

clark said...

Whats not to love about synchronicity.
We decided to buy a hummingbird feeder last weeK! Tons of regular birds but the hummingbirds would show up at my office window, early in the morning to eat bugs, I suspect.
Not being under 30, my phone reflexes are totally inadequate to getting photos of them
Interesting about the increase in numbers for you. We see two at a time at the most.