Tuesday, February 18, 2020

It's starting... !

A big line truck went by, then another truck.  Finally, as we watched, a truck carrying a pole took up the rear. 

Putting something in...

Soon, the middle truck came back, putting up  ROAD WORK AHEAD signs.

Yep, definitely something afoot.

Husband, who was feeling a lot better than I was, (except for his voice. As rotten as he feels, I find it highly amusing, the man could pass for the voice of Barry White when he's ill...), walked over to talk to the group.  He came back with the news, that the poles on our road by the corner were too far apart for the fiber to span... So they are putting in a few new poles, which will be for the corners and longer stretches of the road. 

Not but about a week ago, we had someone from the company come over and give us a rundown on the costs, less fast, really fast, OMG fast, and pricing, thereof.  With installation.  Husband needs to talk to the construction people, because we found a teensy problem with how they'd install the fiber.

We have a Sequoia tree right in the center of the way it would be put in.  We are hoping that we can have it put across our front yard, not down and over, with said tree...  But that problem is eminently more solvable than, oh, the fact we couldn't find a provider that would even look cross-ways at  us, to install something... Or the price, ow.  Ow ow ow... PAIN...

Anyway.  Now there are at least 2 poles, that I know of up, and we will be seeing the progression of fiber to the place... (And Barry White has left the building...)  😄

Who knows, if this gets set up, we might even have pictures here again.  I tried to put up my latest Finished Object, Valentine Knit Socks, but couldn't get them to load.  Bummer.

But, it looks like something will happen.  But, I had to laugh, we were talking about streaming, and that it would be good for that.  I mentioned that I had given some thought, but hadn't decided yet, on getting Britbox, for only one reason.  I can see all the Doctor Who episodes I want.

He kept a completely neutral expression, and said, "Fine, but the cost is on you." Fine, it's not like it will be installed tomorrow...  Binge watch... Hmmm...  ;)

(Seriously, it would be nice to download things, like patterns, and ebooks, and not have the darn computer/phone/whatever choke, or conversely, need to get up at the crack of way too early, to have enough bandwidth!)


  1. There are some lovely reasons to live out in the country. Connectivity of the type you describe is not one of them. Good luck, i hope you get downloadability and streamability and everything you'd like.

  2. Oh my. Improved connectivity will greatly improve your life. I am sure your husband will benefit too - even though he doesn't think so now. Back in the 90s when the "internet" was born for the 'common man' - like us, I was the one who wanted it and my husband was luke warm on the idea. When he began to use it - that changed.

  3. Messimimi: I hope it just works! I must say, watching what they are doing, it looks like it will do something well. And I know several neighbors are as eager, or more so, than I am! So far, it looks like we have lots of "wire" being put up, so we shall see what happens.


  4. Retired Knitter:
    I actually know Husband will benefit a lot, he does research for his work, (machinist 'stuff'), and I think it will be nice for him, not to get up at o yuck thirty to find information without the internet choking... I remember when he was working for a local business, we had to encourage them to use PAPER info, as in blueprints and such. Annoyed them a *lot*, "why can't you just get an email?" Well, because it won't download in less than 4 hours? To paraphrase Jerry Garcia, what a long strange internet it's been...



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