Saturday, February 08, 2020

Sock it to me?

I have been knitting socks for a while now...

Several years at least.  I have a 'plain vanilla' pattern, and I use it for a lot of my socks, with variations of color, ribbing, etc.  In fact, I have it memorized.  

Or, I thought I did.  

Or, perhaps, I am not paying attention, which is much more likely... 

Ok, for non knitters, if you knit a sock from the top down, you knit a long tube for the leg, then make a ledge, and then a shelf, for the heel, then go round and round and round for a bit, making a bit of a cone, until you get to the foot, and then another tube*, and then you finish off the toes with some sort of cup shape, unless you make a toe sock...  

Well, I have been knitting when I am watching a show I very much like.  The last two times I have started to work on the heel, (also referred to as "turning the heel"), and I realize something doesn't look right.

I have very merrily managed to forget the small shelf area on  the sock.  I then managed on this last one, to not be paying enough attention until I realized that I had WAAAAY too many stitches when I was working on the cone part...   


Frog, rip it, rip it, rip it...

So, as much as I enjoy knitting during my show, if I come to that part, I do think it would behoove me to either stop knitting for a few minutes, and enjoy the show, and maybe work on something else.  I would love to stop the show, and finish the little project, but right now the recording part of my machine has nothing I can record with... Silly machine just has to have everything.

"No disk", Phooey.  

But, I have pulled out the mess my mistake, and now I will work on it again.  

Before the show starts...

*Ok, I am beginning to wonder about me, thank goodness I read this over before it goes up, I usually catch mistakes, I wrote tube, as toob. 

 Why, I do not know... 


  1. There are just some things that cannot be interrupted, it sounds like your supposed to be recording machine is one of them.

    Hope you have no more dealings with frogs for a while.

  2. I have made knitting mistakes are the very simplest things. And I have been knitting for abut 25 years. It seems the only thing I can do without making mistakes is ... breathe! And when I mess that up - I won't be around to see it. Ha!

  3. messimimi: I probably should just stop and concentrate on what I am doing when I get to that point. Or watch the show and continue knitting at a later time... Sigh...


  4. Retired Knitter: Oh, yes, I have been known to be knitting a plain vanilla scarf, and gee, why is it getting WIDER? Cough. Nasty word... Riiiiip. Continue.

    Oh, well. Yes, I do believe breathing is one that we have to do right, the alternative is NOT pleasant...



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