Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The geek flag flies proudly here!

(Two quick things, I managed today to do my excising, with NO coughing, and almost back up to the normal 'thing' for me, and to those who caught the fact that I said Marshmallow was a rooster, sorry.  I was busy while typing, and meant to type Jet Puff. Marshmallow is Jet Puff's Mom...)  

Hopefully I am not repeating myself, but I didn't see where I'd typed it before... So.  If I did, please forgive me.  This happened somewhat recently, and I thought it was funny.

Husband and I get up early.  Like, it's dark, and we wait for sunrise early.  So, I get ready for work at the sub, and one of the things I do is go out to feed.  I did this, rather uneventful... I walk back in the house, (remember, still dark), and realize, I see red flashes outside the window.  Oooh, crap...

When there is red lights outside the window, and it isn't the bus picking up the kid next door, it's generally NOT a good sign.  Example: a woman with Alzheimer's walked away from her house, and the red light was from the Search and Rescue vehicle dropping off searchers in front of our place, or when a deputy had to stop traffic on our lane, because a black cow got out, and someone plowed into it.  Now you know why the red lights got my attention, Pronto...

I turn the inside lights out, so I can see outside, and open the blinds.  Yep, red lights. In my neighbor's driveway...  !

Wait... Red lights don't bounce and swerve.  And these lights are... Long?  HUH??

So I watch...

Turns out it's the kid, and his Uncle, engaged in a rousing Star Wars Battle by the front of the drive, with two red light sabers...  I watched for a bit, and they were having a great time...   The bus showed up, and between the light sabers, and all the lights with the bus, it looked like a discotheque had materialized out front. 

Uncle grabbed the kid's saber, kid went on the bus, and Uncle then used the sabers like you would direct a plane, pointing the way the bus was going with both hands... 

May the Force be with the bus?  😉

I had a good chuckle that morning!


  1. What a fun way to send a child off to school for the day!

  2. Messymimi:

    Yes, quite fun, and I would guess a lot cleaner than when they were whacking each other with fir branches!!!


  3. Retired Knitter:

    I agree, once the panic wore off!



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