Saturday, March 14, 2020

Gnome, gnome on the range...

(Yes, I like puns... Ahem.)

I received some yarn from a friend, and have been trying to decide what to do with it.  I like the colors, but I didn't really have a project "in mind" for the stuff.  She was a friend of mine, and loved the Renaissance faire.  We would do goofy stuff there, and she had given me this yarn while at faire.

So, I have had it sitting in my craft room, just sitting, with me looking at it.  Not exactly screamingly exciting...

I happened to be on one of the knitting forums, the internet was sort of working, and up popped this gnome picture.  Then more, and more pictures.  I was intrigued.  They were cute, didn't look too hard to make... I would probably knit them, I gathered enough from the photo to make up one of my own...

I haven't decided when I will make some, but I found out, that several vendors, and others, hide things for children to find when they are at faire.  Considering that kids are all OVER the woods at the faireground, it makes them have a little more surprise. 

And that's when I came up with it.  I want to make a few gnomes for me, but...

I am going to make a few of them with a little tag, it will say something like, "Hi, I am a gnome looking for a home, would you take me in, and give me a name?"  And then hide them at faire, and see if any end up with new homes.

I think she would have gotten a kick out of it...


Hi! What have you to say today?