Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Still here...

Looks like it's about 5 am.  It's been a very unique time, of late.  I have worked on keeping my parents supplied with necessary items.  Most of my conversation is texting, or phone.  FaceTime, or any video is impossible here, but I know most of my friends are okay. 

Planning a garden, Cole crops, too wet to plant right now.  Cleaning up and getting things organized.  Writing in my journal.  Too much TV, but I am trying to not binge on news...

We are in a fly over area to the airport. Normally I would hear dozens of planes a day. Now, if I hear 2 or 3, it's almost loud, as they just aren't going by.  Sort of like after 9/11.  Cars, too.  We might have a few, maybe a trailer with someone picking up a horse at the neighbors... But we are not getting any traffic to speak of by our house.  Well... A little before 3 am, I hear the nurses for early shift go by. 

Keep thinking good thoughts for our first responders, please.  The few I've had contact with sound exhausted...

Keep well, everyone.


  1. Praying for you and your family and friends, and indeed all of us.

  2. Doing my part to not add to the work load of first responders. They may never know all the efforts that are done on their behalf by social isolating ... but it is like doing a good deed with no recognition that you did it - it counts in your own heart. Stay well.

    1. Yes, I keep home except for groceries. We are much of a mind about the effect, too!

  3. These are very frightening times for sure. I saw your mom at safeway several weeks ago, she looked so good and it was so good to see her!!!! Stay well. We are still in the office working but not seeing patients face to face, so it is very odd!!. They let me bring my sewing machine to work, so inbetween patient phone calls and calling in medications, I am sewing facemasks!! Stay well and safe!!!

  4. I saw that you were making masks, I bet you have beau coup fabric choices! I hope that you stay well, and yes, walking into a store with everyone masked makes it very... Different! Husband doesn't hear terrifically, so this could be interesting on our shopping trips, as he reads lips to help him understand what is said...



Hi! What have you to say today?