Monday, June 15, 2020

Out of the habit...

I note that I have not written for a while.  I can do internet now, fairly well!  I even had a video "exam" for a briused elbow. (Nothing serious, just have to have an Ace bandage, and baby the darn thing. Pbbbbt.)  But being that sitting and typing hasn't been regular, there has been no blogs.  I have been doing a bit more here, garden is in (more about that another blog), and knitting, and cleaning, well, some anyway.

So, a catch up on the animals.  Outdoor kitty Buzz had a nasty cat decide to rough her up continually, but it went away somewhere, and she has recovered from scratches and bites, and finally is looking fit, and not scared of her shadow. 


Indoor kitty Ding is enjoying her new "kitty channel", where we put up hummingbird and songbird feeders out front of our living room window.  We enjoy watching the birds, and figuring out what has flown in.  (We also get a kick out of the Hummers flying to the OTHER window where my lava lamp is. Bright colors, ooooooh, pretty...) Ding jumps on the sill and wants SO badly to play with the Hummers.  The other birds, too, but especially the wee birds.  I really suspect she thinks they are toys.

No chicks. Siiiiiiigh.  I let Edgar try twice, and Marshmallow even took over once.  Then I let Marshmallow try once. They would sit for about a week and a half, then wander off, leaving the eggs cold.  So No more chick attempts, they are shooed off the nests, and the eggs are brought in.  Poo.

So, I will get back hopefully to more regular blogs.  But for now, all seems to be safe and well.

Hope all my blog friends are, too.


  1. I enjoy watching my indoor cats peering out the window at the birds. They have no idea what it would be like to chase one or what to to with one. I wonder what they are thinking as they make weird sounds while they watch the birds fly around outside. So near, yet so far.

  2. Sorry to hear about your elbow. It is amazing how much that joint get used - and you don't realize it until it is too sore to use! Knees and elbows - are working joints.

  3. It's always good to hear from you. Perhaps your chickens simply aren't quite sure what to do. It can happen if they were hatched in an incubator and never had a mama to teach them how to be a mama.

  4. Starting Over: Sounds like your kitties and mine would have a nice long conversation on this topic!!


  5. Retired Knitter: Yes, and the oddball part is, I don't know what happened! But it will get better. My continuing classes in patience... Sigh.

  6. Messymimi: That's the odd part! They are BOTH Mama's, in fact I believe Edgar has been a Mama twice, so it floors me that they are doing this nonsense. The only thing I can think of, is possibly one of the other birds is chasing them off the nest somehow...



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