Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Before and after.


This is what I started with. Remove all the grass, put a layer of newspaper down to smother the grass, (I hope), and then a layer of mulch... And:

The finished product... At least until I plant. Since we had a near frost here the other night, still need to wait a day or so... :(

And this is the nice little planter box, with a pot in it. I think I have morning glories, those will be on back, and the rest will be flowers, yet to be determined. 

I have read for planters, you need thrill, fill, and spill, for visual interest. Or one up and showy, one that is covering the center, and one that drapes down. I have a few ideas, but have to see what I have, and what grows after I put it in there. 

1 comment:

  1. As well as the fact that what the experts say to grow might not be what you want to grow.


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