Sunday, May 05, 2024

Late thankfuls are still thankful, thankfully...

 Linky bits

I forgot to put this up, my other blog showed where my mind was, so here is my belated ten things...

1. I went shopping with Mom, and we went to a jewelry store, she needed to have a battery put in her watch. Since we have all been known to break the watch crystal when trying to take the back off, we bowed to expertise. While she was having that done, I looked at rings.  I found a lovely one. Mom bought it for me! I like silver rings, and Celtic. So I have a lovely new ring. 

2. I had told the jeweler that he needn't polish the ring. 


Okay, he did. And this lovely, shiny ring made my others look like dull aluminum. Husband looked at them, took my other rings (including one that is stainless, more about that in a moment), did some cleaning and buffing... I now have brilliant shiny rings! Amazing some of the tricks up sleeves!

3. The one ring that is stainless, is a ring my Grandpa made from a rivet in WW2. I didn't know if it could be buffed up like the others, but it now gleams, too!

4. Of course, this now is making Husband hum Shiny!  This cracks me up, and I commented that I need to stay away from oversized crustaceans...

So, just because, quick pic of the rings, the pointer finger is Grandpa's, with the diamond shape, the new one is on my third finger. The others are ones I've had for a bit. 

5. I finished my gardening class, oh, was it useful. And the instructor will be having a tomato giveaway later. I am looking forward to that! 

6. It is raining like crazy here. We need the rain, and I found out I can weed SO much more easily when the roots are soaked. Faster, and hopefully more cleanly. Well, as far as less weeds. I still look like a pig wrestler when I finish most times. But, I can do it!!!

7. A friend of mine lives in Texas, and I hadn't heard from him for several days. Flooding, tornados, and other baddie crapola, weather wise. Turns out, he's fine, and they did have a little rain, but nothing serious. In fact, he's been building a henhouse! 

8. The weather here is going from 40's -50's and rain to possibly up to 90 in a week or so. While I detest trying to adjust, I will be SO HAPPY for garden doings! It will be warm enough, if it stays around, to plant the numerous plants that presently have taken over my craft room, much to Ding's displeasure. She can't go in there, because she wants to eat the plants! So she will have a thankful, too! I really should get her some plants of her own going. If I can keep her from knocking them down...

9. I have several plants that are doing pretty well, that I am going to use in my garden area as screen. Mom and Dad have offered plants from their place. So, with any luck, I will have a "secret garden" that will mostly be friends and family "stuff", or cast offs that I saved.  :)

10. We have 3 hummingbird feeders up, and the little guys are coming in like gangbusters. We are now getting them by the dozens some nights! 


  1. Hooray for shiny rings! And gardens. Ding might like cat grass, it's easy to grow and healthy for cats to eat.

  2. Nights?
    We got our first hummingbird feeder last week. Haven't seen any yet but the level went down. Surprised that they come out at night!
    Have to start looking after sundown.

  3. Messymimi- she LOVES cat grass! I have some in seed, so yes, I need to get some growing. And some wheat grass, she loves that, too. Catnip, meh...

  4. Clark-
    Well, here they do come out in the evening. Not generally at night, but if there is some sunlight, there is generally Hummers.


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