Thursday, May 09, 2024

More today, maybe less tomorrow.

 I cleared another raised bed. Wow, they are a mess. I am happy to say, I am getting through it, though. Even Dr. A, our friend that comes by and visits Husband pretty regularly, commented on how well I was getting around, doing the garden weeding. He saw me a few times after the ankle surgery, and knew I was pretty well messed up for a bit. 

But, even though I want to get the garden taken care of so badly, I need to take a break. Other chores call. While it's getting warm, but hasn't made everything turn to cement, I need to clean the chicken house. They are lovely, useful animals, but dang, they are messy. So, I am going to wash the front area, and get fresh litter for them, and fill the second waterer, as it's going to get warm.

But, don't worry, I will be back to the garden soon! 

I know thrills and chills... Hey, I am doing well, so there's that. 

1 comment:

  1. Growing things takes time and effort, you gotta do the work for the reward, and you're doing it.


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