Sunday, May 19, 2024

Nice folks, not much reading...

 I was looking for a particular type of corn I wanted to try this year. It has a goofy name. "Martian Jewels". I went to the place where I knew they carried it, and the section was empty.

Oh, crud.

Checked all the sections, checked the other seeds to see if it had been put in the wrong place... Nope.

I finally went up and asked the clerk if all of the stock was out, or if some might be in the back. I didn't hold out hope, because people buy the stuff up much early in the season.

She asked me what the name was. And tried not to crack up when I told her. Then checked if I had bought it there. Nope, but you carried it as recently as last week when I was here. I didn't get a chance to buy it, so had come back for it.

She called the garden person. Long pause. "Martian Jewels?" ... 

She told me the gal didn't remember that name, but she did have more of the brand of seed, she'd check.

I waited, and the clerk opened my account again, I had bought some other items, and she'd already rung it up. Then a a gal almost pops up by the counter with an armload of seeds. "How many you want?" I think she had about six or so packages of the corn in her hand. 

"One, please!!" 

I paid for it, and the clerk looked at the package and started laughing. I must have looked curious, she pointed at the blurb on the description:

Martian Jewels, out of this world flavor!

Happy on both sides of the sale, that's nice! 


In other news, I am having stye trouble, and until I get them knocked down, I am putting aside my books for a bit. Even writing my blog means I have to keep one eye closed, so I can read what I'm doing. And if I do that for very long, I get a bit of a headache. 

So. Short blogs, not much reading, and warm packs on my eye. 

Fun. Sheeeesh. :(

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, a stye. I wonder if colloidal silver drops would help, they take care of pink-eye so well.


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