Saturday, May 25, 2024

Thank you, thank you very much...


1. Husband made a bar closure for my gate. This makes it much more likely to stay closed, and not rattle and clank when the wind hits it. 

2. Thankful for the doctor, again. I was able to dig three holes. It was awkward, and took me a while, but I was able to plant 3 poor plants that should have been in the ground many, many months ago... My ankle held up! 

3. I checked my raised bed temps, it's getting warm, I will be able to plant soon. And the huge amount of mulch is holding the moisture, which I hope will help later in the season! 

4. I was able to move some of the mulch by myself. I am so happy to see what I can do, not quite a year out from the surgery. I still have to be careful, and I am highly aware of any pain or such, but, knock wood, so far so good!

5. We are getting goldfinches around. I think they are one of Husband's favorites, and I like them a lot. Bright flashes of yellow really liven up the area. 

6. I have heard from my friends in the south, so far all have been okay, no storm damage, one said families power was out for a short time, but that was all.  


7. I am slowly going to a more plant based diet. Some of the changes are quite easy, one or two are going to be harder, since it's not just my meals, Husband has to eat, too. But I have started losing weight again, and feel a bit better... Barring a few side effects. Ahem

8. The neighbor has cows out in the field across from our front window. I enjoy watching them.

9. I keep day dreaming about what various parts of the yard, the garden, etc., will look like later. You know, whether they do or not, it encourages me to keep working on it!

10. My stye is FINALLY going away, and I have been able to read and do more close up work with out problems seeing same!



  1. Hooray for the stye going away! I'm also glad all the friends checked in.

  2. (for the second time today*) What Mimi said

    * 'a course waiting until Monday morning to make the rounds might be a factor**

    ** nah, Secret Rule #302.8 reminds us 'being in the same bloghop as Miz M is as close to beating her to the Grat punch*** as you're ever getting...' op.cit.

    *** and employing a metaphor (or whatever literary device this is) like 'Grat punch' should be telling you something (Book of Secret Rules aka the Secret Book of Rules chapter 70.


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