Saturday, May 11, 2024

Thankfully, I'm thankful.

 Linky bits

1. The garden cleanup is going well. With a new ankle, sort of, and new weeding gloves, I am managing about 1 full bed a day. I still have about half to go, but doing pretty steady work. 

2. The sun has decided to join us here. I am not one for instant on summer, it's gone from 50's to the 90's. BUT... That means that the ground will warm, and dry some, and I will be able to plant.

3. My weeding is having a benefit to small birds. I was sitting, after I finished. The ground was open, and lots of the creepy crawlies were zipping back and forth, probably trying to figure out where the weeds went. Next thing I know, there was a finch. It lands on the side of the bed, cocks its head, then jumps down and starts hoovering little bugs.  Works for me... 

4. The goldfinches are here, it's so nice to see the little flash of yellow as they show up for breakfast at the feeders.

5. One of my friends had a bit of an emergency.  Without going into detail, I was able to help, and she, while not great, got to the ER and is improving... 

6. I finished the one book, for April, finally. And am reading a book on my e-reader, while waiting for ANOTHER book I ordered, from taking the gardening class. Hold onto your hat, 2 books in one month?!??!? (Review soon.)

7. I am slowly getting through my head how to pace myself, and not overtax my body. You don't KNOW how long this has taken.  It bugs the crap out of me not to go out and do at least one more bed, or go do some heavy digging, or such the like. But then I remember how much effort I have put into getting better, and I don't want to get to where I can't do anything again... 

8. Ding is enjoying the warmth, we joke that she has her solar collector on 100%. She does find the sunny window sills to be inviting!

9. The design for my hat is coming along. Funny thing, I came up with another idea for a design, so when I finish this one, I can jump to a different one. 

10. With the whipsaw weather changes, I have had to adjust, but I haven't been hurting too much. Sometimes big changes mean I am down for a day or so, or fighting through pain. But, knock wood, I haven't had a lot of pain, just... Discovering muscles that I forgot I had, mostly. 


messymimi said...

I'm thankful things seem to be going so well with you!

Lisa Tomey said...

What a beautiful week. I'd love to see finches. We mostly have wrenns and cardinals. There were several bluebirds when we lived near the lake.

clark said...

We're still waiting for the non-March weather, here in southern New England.
#3 one of the few benefits of failing eyesight, I leave the glasses in the house, the better not to see certain multi-legged creatures (here at the TToT we refer to this as a 'hyopgrat' (something not good looking, with a proper twist of the head, not that bad. Mimi is our resident expert on the matter of Hypograt)

#7 (speaking only for myself)... 'how about 'a lifetime'' lol still working on certain aspects of self-improving myself.

Kristi said...

I'm glad you're feeling better, and that you are learning to pace yourself. I think that is a hard lesson to learn.