Friday, May 31, 2024


 I went to my tomato class, and they said to write down 4 tomatoes you wanted. I wrote down two slicers, a cherry tomato, and a paste tomato. 

There was a little miscommunication, they were giving out your top 2 choices. So I didn't get the cherry tomato, or the paste. Hmm. Better luck next time. 


The instructor was finished with all of her classes, and sent an email, would anyone like the remaining tomatoes from the classes? 

I sent a note, yes please. With no more real thoughts than that. 

She called back, and had both of the ones I wanted! After a quick run to meet her, she gave me two of the cherry tomato, and one of the paste. The deal is, in September, there is what is called Tomato Fest, and we need to give her 4 tomatoes, or a small container of cherry ones. I think that's more than fair. 

Now I just need to get them planted!!! 

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Hi! What have you to say today?