Wednesday, June 19, 2024

3,2, and the last ONE!

 Today was the clean out of the last of the raised beds. I chopped and dug and pulled and ripped out stuff.  

I also had to call on Husband, one of the side boards fell off. This has not been an unusual occurrence. I was trying to remember how old the beds are, but I am guessing near 15-20 years? So I suppose some repairs and upkeep are to be expected. 

The last bed is the tinkery, picky one. It has lots of bulbs in it, so I can't really get in there with the grubbing hoe and chop away. 

Well, I could... But it wouldn't be nice. 

So, I hope to clean the last one out tomorrow, if all works well. Then I have to start brushing behind the fence, I have blackberry brambles that are giant and coming through the fence. Which is not good, since that is the seating area!! 

I also sketched out my garden in my record book. I can't remember why I started it, but I have records going back nearly a decade. Notes on what worked, or didn't, weather problem years, changes. Just general information for me. Some day in a zillion years, it will be dug up, translated, and be just as boring to someone who isn't me, as it would be today. 

But, it's for me, so pbbbbbt!  ; )

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