Thursday, June 13, 2024

Book for June.

 Got my latest book on a lark. Not sure if it would be science fiction or fantasy, (I think fantasy, as it was given by a deity, not an alien), but it was very readable. 

The Book Glasses. 

The story is about a girl who is dyslexic, and is in her own words "a loser". She has no family that she knows of, and is having trouble finding a job. A friend of hers, Sister Sue, helps her to get a cleaning job at a museum. She ends up being friends with the head person, and shows up just as he's been stabbed, and is dying. He tells her about a pair of glasses he has hidden in his desk, and for her to take them. 

She does, and finds out the glasses make her able to read. Not only read, but read at an amazing pace, like 1000 page book in 40 minutes. And she can retain everything from what she reads that way. 

She then uses it to improve herself, both mentally, fashion wise, and monetarily. This comes at a price, because the people who killed the museum head are now after her! 

The ending is... Well, it sort of completes the story, but starts the next one. Which sounds like it will be racing along, too! 

I rate it Very Good, it is sort of a young adult type of book, but didn't turn into a romance, even though she had a boyfriend. In fact, if anything, it seemed like an adventure thriller. There were a couple of things I would have had a quibble with, but not enough to spoil the book, just, hmm, why didn't she just do this, instead? But a good, moderatly quick read.

And, I will be getting the next book, as I am curious how things develop, so it must have been pretty good! 

1 comment:

  1. It does sound interesting, and who wouldn't want to read crazy fast and remember it all?


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