Saturday, June 22, 2024


 Linky bits

1. MY LAST RAISED BED HAS BEEN CLEARED OUT! YAAAY!!! Yeah, all caps. I am that happy and thankful about it.

2. I have some flowers starting to grow, both sun lovers and shade lovers. Right now it's just cute green fuzz, but pictures when they bloom. 

3. The weather here has not been beastly. My auntie has been baking in 110+ temps, and a friend has been in nearly the same temps, a tiny bit less, but by single digits. I am thankful for being able to reorient my time, so I do outside work at first light, by the time it's warm, I can go in and clean up, cooling off in the process. 

4. Things have been pretty quiet here. I have been out doing things, so I don't have time or inclination to watch TV, or videos on the computer. Not that I don't at all, just a lot less. Thankful for stuff to do!!

5. The farmers are haying.  This is a big thankful, because the pollen has been ridiculous here. We watched the swather running along, and thought it was smoking. We realized it wasn't smoke, it was POLLEN coming out the back. 


Looking forward to Husband not having to cover his eyes with a wet cloth all the time... 

6. Ding kitty can go outside again! Her former person declawed her, and so we don't let her go out except on a lead. I quit taking her out, she would slip the lead in what we call the Panic Dance, and sprint away. I was terrified I would lose her, I can't run at all fast. Especially right after my surgery. Husband took it upon himself to walk her outside now. She loves it. Rolls, eating the grass, "scratching" the bark on the trees, she is in her element. And, Heaven forfend, if she would run, Husband is a good runner, and could get where she went rapidly. 

7. Our anniversary is coming up. Still love each other. Heck, we still LIKE each other. And have even now, been finding new and interesting things about one another. 

8. Again with the weather, I am thankful there have been no big rainstorms to mess up the hay, and so far no thunder/lightning to cause problems. Definite plus!!! 

9. I am getting more in a habit of reading, usually at lunch, but if not every day, at least several times a week. 

10. Just enjoying being outside! Thankful I can be!!


  1. in the category of 'Hypo-grat'* getting comfortable with masks, from a couple of years ago. Mowing the lawn is tolerable now, the mask filters the pollen (both grass and pine trees. which we have in an abundance).

    *something that is, on first blush, but eventually, somehow, becomes a positive

  2. Happy anniversary! Being in love AND in like with each other is such a great thing!


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