Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Med stuff.

 Was a long day. Up early to go to the hospital, had a test*. I hate, hate, DETEST doing them. I am needing to have a nice long talk with my doctor about why it's so blasted important. 

Bless my other (family) doc, he gave me a pill for anxiety. It helped. At least I didn't scream during the test. 

From the best I can get, this might be a continuing thing. 


On the bright side (?), the pill gave me a really nice nap, when I finished.

Once again, I thank Husband for driving me over, helping me get to the room, and waiting to get me when I finished.

And- now I can wear my jewelry, again. 

*MRI. Closed in bit doesn't bother me. The sound freaks me out completely... 

1 comment:

Hi! What have you to say today?