Thursday, July 04, 2024

A moment in time.

 The wind blows the oak branches about, making it look as if the tree is waving to us through the window. 

Hummingbirds come by, for a quick sip, a fight, or just a rest on the pole above the feeders. The setting sun makes the jewel tones on their little heads sparkle with color. 

The cows stay in the center of the field, near the trees, for shade, and the little green grass that's left in that area. Mostly, they look longingly at the back field the farmers blocked off for haying. 

Ding finds a nice place to lay, right in front of the refrigerator, allowing her the status of food sentry, and heat sucker... At least for now. Next week, she will probably guard the tile floors, to cool off. 

I ride my new trike, wobbly, but eager. I pedal, getting wind going as I make it to the turn around point, and go like mad, to make it up the hill, back to my starting point. 

All in all, good. 


Oh, and for the US, Happy Independence Day!

1 comment:

  1. A blessed and beautiful Happy Independence Day to you!


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