Saturday, July 20, 2024

Agradecida! Diez!

 Linky bits.

1. I've managed not to get heat sick. The weather has been uncomfortable for me, so I have gone partial vampire. I get up before dawn for outside work, and head back in the house by the time the sun comes up.  Odd sleeping habits for the win!! (But no blood stuff, ick!)

2. I have been knitting hats for local cancer patients. I finally have come up with a name for it. I want to have a card when I deliver it to the hospital, so they know who it's from. So my little endeavor is "Kelley's Kemo Kaps". I will sketch up a little logo, and make a paper to slip in the bag when I deliver them to the hospital. Kelley was a friend of mine that had breast cancer. I never got the chance to make her a hat, I am so sorry to say. I make them now, in her honor. 

3. I am getting better using my knitting lucet. This is what mine looks like, Etsy page... I hope to use it to make a few things, once I get consistent with it. Basically, it makes soft cordage. 

4. Been pretty consistent with my reading. I am looking through my e, and paper books, I really have a king's ransom to get into. Enjoying most of them, the occasional klinker, like the sci fi one I just picked, but that just means I can choose another!

5. The (censored) cowbirds have finally left.  The frat boy jerks of the bird world... We are getting back to the birds that are normal for this area. 

6. I finished up all of the crochet squares that the yarn would make, I think there is enough to make a cat bed, or something smallish. I suppose I could mix it with other squares and make a blanket, too. We'll see what grabs me... 

7. Ding is able to go outside now. I had a terrible time with her, she'd panic and slip her lead, and I can't run after her. Husband asked if I wanted him to try. I warned him about her proclivities, and he went ahead with it. She's only had one panic attack, went right into a batch of sticky weed. But he caught her... And we then spent several minutes cleaning those nasty little sticking seeds out of her fur. But otherwise, she is completely loving it. 

8. Finally worked out a new cast on stitch. I read, then watched a YouTube video, then changed tools. But I have managed to get an acceptable cast on! :)

9. Hummingbirds. We have had some brilliant colored ones, reds and greens, and they are just as bold as brass tacks. I go out to water, and, often as not, get a Hummer that will fly round me, checking out what I'm up to. 

10. Day dreaming. I have come up with so many ideas. I will probably have to live to be 312 to get all of them accomplished. But knowing me, I'd just come up with more in the meantime!!! 

Have a good and happy week!


  1. It's nice to keep having new ideas and new projects, you'll get to what you get to and enjoy them and that's a good thing. I always enjoy your thankful lists!

  2. Kelley's Kemo Kaps is a wonderful idea! I'm sure the recipients appreciate those.

  3. Excellent 'oT list!
    (We have missed the bulk of the heat (southern New England), which saddens me, as I'm one of those who will get cold in September and stay that way until next July. lol
    have a good week


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