Thursday, July 11, 2024


 I have a plant that I bought some time ago. It was from someone who worked in a nursery, so I wasn't too worried about it. 

But people started commenting that they thought it was an invasive... To the point one rather rude individual actually pulled out a knife and was going to cut it down "for me". 

I wasn't sure, there has been the occasional selling of invasives, by accident, or just wink wink nudge nudge, because of $. This gal wasn't that way, but mistakes happen. 

So finally, I contacted the extension agency, and sent pictures. The person sent back a note saying that it's a St. John's Wort plant, which can be invasive. This however, is a different family, and is NOT invasive. Having a definite answer, I'm going to plant it in my 'backyard', with several other of my plants that bloom, flower, or just look really cool... 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad it's settled and you can keep the pretty flowering St. John's Wort which is not invasive.


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