Saturday, July 13, 2024

Shorty thanks.

 Linky bits.

1. Pollen level lowering. We are able to breathe, without sounding like asthmatic puppies.

2. Crochet granny squares. Just a fun, easy thing, that I can do even if it's hot.

3. Hair bands, when one has long hair, putting it up in some manner helps immensely! 

4. Refrigerators. Cold water, when you have been outside is wonderful! 

5. Ding. Our furry little entertainment center. :)

6. Friends... 

7. Bird feeders. Get to see some of the local 'color'... And occasionally entertainment from them, too! 

8. Ruth Stout's mulch method. It has been working so well in my garden. 

9. Music. Great to help with a mood, invigorate, and just relax to. 

10. Internet cat videos. It's fun to watch a furry fluff do random things, some intentional, some not. But cats generally are fun, so... 

There ya go! 


  1. I'm glad the pollen is down and yes, cats are most entertaining.

  2. Concur with my associate, Mimi*
    No pollen is good pollen. We're mostly out of the season here (southern New England) and it's not a moment too soon.

    ** lol


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