Saturday, July 06, 2024

Thankfully thankful.

 Linky bits.

1. I am thankful for my chickens. They entertain me, and we get eggs. 

2. I am thankful for seeds, because they can grow to wonderful, and tasty, plants.

3. To that end:

This is a shot of my garden. It actually looks like a garden! I have been able to keep the weeds to a minimum. I am VERY thankful for not needing to weed as much.

4. Thankful for neighbors, teachers, and people I can learn from. 

5. I am thankful one of the stores I go to has a time when they have the music off. When I need to go there, I try to go at that time. It isn't even that I dislike the music, it's just... Nice to have quiet. 

6. I am thankful for books. I have been making an effort to read a bit each day. I finished a cozy mystery, and am presently working my way through an autobiography. I even, begrudgingly, am thankful for the ebooks I have being available on my phone. I can read pretty much anywhere, that way. 

7. I am very thankful for my pain levels being very low. It took a surgery, and work, but I didn't realize how much trying to baby that ankle made everything ELSE hurt. I am still careful when I walk, or bike, but I'm doing so much more, more confidently than I have in a long time. Yay!! 

8. Grateful for the time to relax, or nap, or read, when I want to. I know it's not available to everyone, and so I consider it a definite plus... 

9. I am happy we have a way to stay cool, now that the temps here are hitting the century mark. Also, that we could get the families air conditioner in, so they will be safe. Oregonians are not used to hot like this... 

10. And just because... 

I am thankful for pizza! (And no, I didn't write this when hungry, I just like pizza!)

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