Saturday, August 03, 2024

10 of them.

Linky bits.

1. Thankful for my sight. My eyes need heavy correction to see "normally", but I am happy I can see. Colors, movement, the various things around me...

2. I am thankful for a doctor that sat me down and taught me how to recognize what pain is telling me. And how much is too much. When I pay attention, I don't pay for it, as a rule. 

3. I am thankful for fresh water! 

4. I am thankful for my husband knowing how to fix things, or being able to research how to, if he doesn't know. I will even begrudge the neighbors borrowing him on a regular basis, because, well, good neighbors make good neighbors! 

5. I haven't figured out which kind of finch, but it lands on dandelion puffs, eats the seed, and lets the top go. May we have every one of them visit, and eat their fill. The more they eat, the fewer dandelions I have to mow! 

6. The trees. It's been beastly hot for me, but when I sit under the trees, I am a bit less bedraggled... 

7. Wildlife. The deer, turkeys, they remind me to be still. Unless they are eating my flowers. Then I guess I need to be thankful for creative bellowing!

8. Stores. I could grow, and make most of what I need, or trade for it with neighbors. But I really appreciate just being able to go get stuff, bring it home, and use it. I believe there's a reason the pioneer women didn't age well... 

9. Rain. We had rainfall the other day, and even though it was short lived, seeing the plants bright green, the dust settled down, and the animals playing and prancing because of cooler, wet weather was awesome! 

10. My blog friends that comment on my writing. It's nice to know you're out there! 


  1. You have an excellent doctor, I'm glad you listen.

    Hold on to that husband! Mine can't fix his way out of a paper bag, usually.

  2. Liked your Grat $7 Except we haven't see the turkeys in quite a while. I suspect they are summering elsewhere. The deer we have over for breakfast most ever morning. Mother and two... deerettes*
    Have an excellent week

    * not a 'real' zoological term


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