Friday, August 23, 2024

Feline Friday, and responses.

These two are some I've had for a while. They've had a bit of a hard life, moving several times, getting broken once... Husband was able to nearly invisibly mend it. If I was really worried about it, I could put a ribbon around the spot, but, unless you are looking... It's not very noticeable. 

I've found others like them, even some in brass. But I like these two, and they've been with me for a while... 


I don't know what is going on with my darn blog, but I am having a harder time leaving comments on others blogs. So. I used to respond on my own blog, I think I will start doing that again. At least people who write to me should know I am seeing it! 

So, hopefully after today, if you send a message, I will make an effort to reply. (Spam need not apply.) 

So, thank you to all of my readers, blog friends, and folks all about.


  1. They're beautiful, and I can't tell from the picture where the break is.

    To err is human but to really foul things up requires technology. I do hope you can figure out why you can't comment on some other blogs.

    Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  2. That's the nice thing, it is very hard to see, even close up. Accidents happen, I was just happy it could be repaired! Amen to the tech statement! And thank you for hosting!


Hi! What have you to say today?