Tuesday, August 13, 2024


 We had all been busy, Husband building a part for a friend's boat. I was getting the laundry finished, and folded, and my indoor plants watered. Takes a little bit, because several of the plants are quite large. Ding was busy trying to get treats, and a walk outside, when she wasn't exploring open closets, or getting power zoomies. 

We settled down for a bit, had dinner, (hooray for leftovers!), and I sat down to make Lucet cord and watch a bit of news. 

Soon, I heard snoring. I looked over, and Ding was the culprit, making a snorting buzz. Husband was quieter, but no less in doze mode. I listened to the two of them relaxing.  I had dozed off earlier, so I enjoyed my quiet time, while they enjoyed a nap. 

It's nice... 


1 comment:

  1. We are regularly treated to our cats gentle snoring, although we are blessed neither of us do it often (unless we are very sick).


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