Monday, August 19, 2024


The weather folks were forecasting rain, lightning, possibly 60 mph winds, and golf ball size hail. 

The rain is sort of unusual for this time of year... The rest, rare, and scary.

I had been "camping" in our backyard. Well, we have a little trailer, 50's vintage, all metal. And in an open area. That took a red hot nanosecond to figure out it was a bad idea. So, camping was at an end. Put things away, then started the rest of the preparation. 

Chickens needed to go in, easy enough. Throw some feed WAY back in the hen house, and they run in. 

Except for one, of course. 

But, I have blackberries coming on. Bribery works! Tossed several in, and she decided that was too good to pass up. Slammed the door shut behind her, and locked the house. 

We got water, made sure the generator was ready, lanterns, and got out the pet carrier, and go stuff, just in case.  

The storm blew in about when they predicted, some wind, not too bad. I was so dreading the hail, the neighbors have livestock that really don't have a place to go. I also dreaded the thought of my garden being smashed. Not much I could do but wait. 

Ding jumped up by me, just as the lightning started. The thunder roared, and I petted her, letting her know it was no big deal. Ding is terrified of thunder, so it surprised me that she was so calm. I continued to pet and talk, and she even purred a little, but watched with huge eyes... 

The storm was pretty intense rain, and lots of flash 'n bangs. But no hail here. Finally, the rain let up, the wind died, and it was just gloomy overcast. It was also dinner time. I gave Ding another pat and went in the kitchen. She was relaxing on the couch.


Thunder right close by. Ding sprinted out of the room. Husband looked out the window to make sure nothing happened, then went to calm Ding. She hid underneath the bed. She wouldn't come out. 

Next thing I know Husband gets the cat treats, and takes the lid off by the bed. A couple shakes, and she sauntered out, sniffing for snacks. 

As I said, bribery works. 

So, good rain, no new fires started, that I know of, NO HAIL, and our animals have us well trained... 

1 comment:

  1. We get such storms, too, and our cats mostly sleep through them. Grandma and Grandpa's dog, however, shakes like a leaf the whole time.

    I'm glad you didn't have any damage.


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