Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Bloggus interruptus...

 So, as you can see, haven't written for a couple days. Blogging became a low priority.

My FIL took a fall, and we have been doing a lot of back and forth. His place is about a half hour from us one direction, the hospital is about 40 minutes the OTHER direction from our house. 

The first day, just to the hospital... After we were told to meet at the LOCAL hospital, less than 30 minutes away. We waited. And waited. Well, we knew we'd arrive first, but was there a problem? 

Turns out, they decided he needed more help, and sent him to the other one, but didn't update us, until Husband asked them to check. We then jumped in the car and zoomed over there...  Lots of waiting, lots of checking in with the nurses and doctor. 

The next day was getting his things like eye glasses and hearing aids, then going over again. Astoundingly, FIL was sleeping. We decided, sleep was a great thing, so we talked with the doctor about FIL, and headed home. 

So. Blogs might be slapdash for a bit, until we know what's what. Any kind thoughts would be appreciated, for FIL, and us, for that matter... 


  1. Lots of prayers for him and your whole family. It's not easy taking care of our parents.

  2. No, it's not. And thanks!


Hi! What have you to say today?