Saturday, September 28, 2024

Ten- is, anyone?

 Linky bits

1. My husband's sense of humor. We were eating M&M's. He'd nibbled his down, then showed me the remaining green and yellow M's, and said with a grin, "Duck Season!"*

2. Went to a yarn fair, managed to find the exact yarn I needed for a project. The vendor I regularly purchase from, but didn't see it on her website. Turns out, she can't get the color right on the website, so she only sells through her trunk shows and fairs. (Score!)

3. The garden is winding down. But I have had good luck this year. To wit:

This was a "clean up" day, getting things in before it rained. Tomatoes, Patty pan, acorn squash, dry beans, and some black kat pumpkins I tried this year. And I still have more tomatoes!!!

4. And in the dry beans...
Did a bit of shelling, but enough that I know they will grow! Upper left is white beans, right is Orca beans, and bottom is blue lake pole beans. Not a bad turnout for an experiment!

5. The weather has turned just enough that the trees are getting the lovely colors to them. Nothing at all wrong with green, but fall lets the trees wear their party outfits!

6. Haven't been on my trike for awhile, managed to get on it, make a delivery to a friend, and get a little "just for fun" riding! 

7. According to my e-reader, I have read 95 days straight. That's not including the paper books, magazines, and the occasional newspaper! (Still working through the textbook, it is so very interesting, and well written, but my, oh, my, it is long. But, history books have to cover a lot of ground...)

8. I have new glasses. I didn't realize how badly my eyes had changed, until I was sitting at breakfast, looking at my bookshelves. Before, I could tell there were books, but nothing else. Now, even at a distance, I can read the titles! Well... Most of them, anyway. Reading is a lot easier, as well. 

9. With everything going on of late, I am so thankful that I haven't killed off any of my indoor plants. They got a little puny, when I realized I hadn't watered them in several weeks... Cough. Tough little things! They all seemed to come back thriving!

10. I was upset, a little, because I wasn't able to get to my apples and pears this year. But I was watching the other day, and a crow snagged one of the pears off the tree, and had a nice meal.  A deer and her fawn walked around the tree, and cleaned up the apples. While I still wish I had made freezer goods of them, I am happy they are not going to total waste. And double thankful that with the deer and crows cleaning up, we aren't having a massive storm of yellow jackets... 

So, please stay safe, be well, and have a great week! 

*Ducks, colors for the University of Oregon. 

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